Middleton, WI
The clients of this Middleton home reached out to Formecology, LLC for help with their Lake Mendota shoreline erosion issues. In addition to protecting the fragile lakeside slopes, the clients sought to create natural and colorful plantings. To address both ecological and aesthetic goals, bio-degradable erosion control blankets and materials were used to temporarily stabilize the shoreline and aid in the establishment of a permanent mix of deep-rooted and colorful native grasses and wildflowers.
Flowering trees and perennial species used on the shoreline were also utilized in the formal upland gardens and installed in a more organized fashion in mulched planting beds. This repetition of plants effectively strengthened the visual and ecological connection between two landscape areas with very different uses and topography.
Eco-friendly sustainable landscaping.
Throughout our 27 year history, we have been quite different than other landscape design-build companies – we don’t limit ourselves to simply beautifying the landscape.